Rachael is just so sweet. I recently starting praying with her my favorite bedtime prayer as a child: Sweetest Jesus. She has it memorized and says it all the time, day or night. She asks every night now when we put her to bed if we can say it again. I think she likes it so much because it's a poem, and she gets to bless all the people she loves so much.
The words to the prayer are:
Sweetest Jesus,
Come to me.
Make a pious
Child of me.
My heart's so small
No one can enter
But you, Sweet Jesus,
God bless us all!
God bless everyone in the whole world!
God bless... (insert your petitions here)
Here is a video of her saying her Sweetest Jesus prayer a few nights ago.
Hannah and Jill are the two neighbor girls that Rachael likes to play with. Heather, Michelle, and Connor are some of our friends back in Utah. Andrea, Ashley, and Ricky are Adam's two sisters an her cousin. She also prays for her aunts Dani and Colleen most nights, and once she even prayed for 'Rachael's Rats' because we talk about them every morning and night when we're brushing her hair getting the 'rats' out =) I love you, Sweetest Rachael!
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