This was a question Adam and I just knew we would be hearing from Rachael and Zach at some point, the same way we asked our parents, "What's an 8-track?" Heck, we live in the 21st century. Our media comes to us on little plastic discs, tiny memory cards, or magically over wireless connections straight to our computers and TVs. Why on Earth would Rachael and Zach ever have a working idea of a VHS cassette or a Hi-Fi VCR with 'Tracking'? Why would we ever find ourselves searching for said cassettes and machines at the Schinnen Thrift Shop within a few weeks of our arriving here in Belgium? Well, I'll tell you!
The US military has a program that allows them to show first-run shows in theaters on their installations, in the US and abroad. It's kind of nice, and definitely cheaper than heading downtown if you're willing to deal with a few little quirks to see your shows. Well, as I've stated before, the NPC at Glons is a GSU, a Geographically Separated Unit, of SHAPE Mons, which is about a 2-4 hour drive away, depending on traffic and road construction. So, they have another nifty little program for us. The movies that are playing in the theaters on SHAPE are available to members at the NPC.... on a VHS cassette! Oh, my goodness! I laughed myself silly when Adam first told me this! "Really, they're making new VHS tapes with new shows on them for you guys to use?! Ha hahahah!!!!!" We often joke that over here, things are about 20 years in the past or 20 years in the future from what's going on in America. Apparently, this is one of those 'in the past' things! =)
Adam set me straight and told me not to laugh because the program really is great. We have seen many new shows that are being seen in US theaters, such as Battle LA, Due Date, Arthur. We've even seen some before they were released to video, like Rio, Hop, Gnomeo and Juliet, Green Hornet, and Arthur.
So, since we were going to own a VCR anyways, why not find some shows for Rachael to watch on it? That is how we found ourselves in the Thrift Shop on Schinnen, buying a $13 VCR and 3-for-$1 Disney shows on VHS. The great thing is, all these shows are ones Adam and I grew up with as kids. Watching them with Rachael brings back a little nostalgia from our childhoods and a little pride in getting to pass these great Disney shows on to the next generation.
Who'da thunkit? It may be weird, but it works. I am grateful for the services the military provides for us, even when they do go about providing these services in unusual ways. Thank you, and Ta ta!
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