Saturday, May 14, 2011

Belgian Fries!

I don't know why it took so long, and I'm kinda sad that it did, but we finally ate some of the world famous Belgium Fries. We pull up to this little hole-in-the-wall kind of place. Many cars are lined up alongside the road. Obviously, this place is open and well-known by locals! We walk in and see a huge stack of fries above the friers in the back. The front display has so much delicious fried foods and goodies. I want to try it all!! But, not knowing what anything is except the fries, we order those and sit down to wait for ours to come out.

The fries are brought out to us on a little yellow tray in a white container with mayo on the side. We dig in. Wow, oh, Wow-ee!! They are so amazingly delicious! They almost seem to have a touch of batter (even though I know they don't) because they have such a nice crisp on the outside surrounding a delightfully soft, warm middle. They just taste so good! Especially dipped in the mayonnaise. We paired it with a Coke, quite nicely, I might add. Now, Coke here is different than Coke elsewhere, even in other parts of Europe. Here it is made with sugar grown in Belgium. It is so sweet and yummy. Together, they're sinful!

We may have made a big mistake finding this Frituur. It's easy to get to with great hours and decent prices. Our waist-lines may not be happy about this new discovery... but, I don't care! The fries and Coke are just too good! So, feast your eyes on this Groot (big) plate of fries, and I'll catch ya later. Maybe. If I'm not too busy stuffing my face with more fries! Ta ta!

Rachael seemed to like them, too! =)

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